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Report List




This window lists the reports which are available in the program.

Producing a Report
To choose a report, click on its name then click the Display button.

The window which then appears will allow you to choose which information to include in the chosen report. For example, if you choose the Income Account Detail report, the window will allow you to choose which income account to report on, and  the date range for entries, as shown below.

All reports then give you three options for what to do with the report.

Display - This will preview the report on screen before printing, to allow you to choose various report formatting options such as fonts, colour and column alignmnment.

Export to file - This option will create a tab-delimited text file containing all of the report details. Tab-delimited means that the information in each of the report columns are separated in the text file by tab characters. This is a very common form of file which can be imported into a wide range of spreadsheets and other report processing software.

Export to Excel - If you have Microsoft Excel (tm) 2001 on a Macintosh, or Microsoft Excel 2000 on a Windows computer, clicking this button will transfer the report to that program.